About Me


Born in Columbia, Missouri and raised in a small town not far from there, then moved to Naples, Florida for the majority of my life .  I always knew I was not your normal Mid-Western/Floridian.  I had dreams and wanted to see things that my family thought were impossible at the time.   However, after a living a life of many different experience that only a book could express totally… I have found my place in the world, for now.  Surprisingly, that place is  The People’s Republic of China.

Yes, I am an African-American Woman, 48 years old,  living in the P.R. China. I currently am married and experiencing the married life here. I decided that I wanted to express myself and my feelings the best way I knew how, through words.   I also wanted to share what it was like to live in a foreign country where things are not what you expect and people are not what you think.

Follow me through my experiences, my joys and my pains, my sane and insane times.. but most of all live through me what you are not ready to do yourself.  I hope to inspire all of you to live your life the way you want and to not be afraid of the unknown or the comments of others that are not living their dream……Live outside the box…. do not only “Dream it… Do it”